‘CMO’s should own product innovation in 2021’ ‘“ Pat Sheridan, Managing Partner @ Modus Create

‘CMO’s should own product innovation in 2021’ ‘“ Pat Sheridan, Managing Partner @ Modus Create

CMO’s and their teams use a lot of marketing technology tools that all produce tons of data. Data which can (and should) be used for product innovation, according to Pat Sheridan, at Modus Create. Modus helps businesses prepare for the digital future.

Things we discuss:

  • Use real-time data and insights for product innovation and ideas
  • Practical examples, including Barclays Card
  • How to organize your marketing team to get to most out of your data
  • How to experiment with and test digital ideas: the promotion lifecycle

LinkedIn Pat Sheridan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patsheridan/

Website Modus Create: https://moduscreate.com/

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