When you’re starting a company, specifically in the e-commerce space, competition is fierce and there are only two ways of competing with the big brands: either you’re cheaper or you’re different. These strategies were already identified years ago by Porter in his Generic Competitive Strategies. So, given these strategies, how do companies distinguish themselves from the rest and how is your marketing dollar spent best? In this episode, we have an interview with Kevin Urrutia, the founder of Voy Media (New York City).
Kevin shares his insights with host Elias Crum (CEO at Marketing Guys) and we discuss the following topics:
- How to differentiate yourself as a company
- Using the right channels online as a start-up
- Difference between Facebook Ads and Google Ads
- SEO for start-ups
- Real-life start-up marketing examples
LinkedIn Kevin Urrutia: https://www.linkedin.com/in/urrutia/
Website Voy Media: https://voymedia.com/
If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at nieuw.testmg.nl or contact Elias Crum at e.crum@marketingguys.nl
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