Engage with candidates using marketing technology – Interview Jelmer Koppelmans and Jelmer Zuidema, Roadtrip

Engage with candidates using marketing technology – Interview Jelmer Koppelmans and Jelmer Zuidema, Roadtrip

Podcast: Engage with your candidates, using marketing technology – Jelmer Koppelmans & Jelmer Zuidema, Roadtrip


In this episode, Elias has an interview with Jelmer Koppelmans and Jelmer Zuidema, the co-founders of Roadtrip Agency. They do the recruitment processes of companies with a digital marketing mindset. Recruitment marketing has a lot of similarities to B2B marketing. The right candidate should be in your recruitment funnel from the beginning in the awareness phase. Make sure your recruitment process is not an ad-hoc process but rather an ongoing process of continuous engagement. During the 30-minute interview, we talk about the following topics:

  • Which marketing tools to use in recruitment
  • Best practices in hiring the right people
  • Tech stacks for recruitment
  • The recruitment funnel

LinkedIn Jelmer Zuidema: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jelmerzuidema/

LinkedIn Jelmer Koppelmans: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jelmerkoppelmans/

Website Roadtrip: https://roadtrip.agency/

If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at nieuw.testmg.nl or contact Elias Crum at e.crum@marketingguys.nl