Online marketing channels generate tons of data. As a marketer, you’re responsible for interpreting that data and start acting when necessary. But how can you accurately decide when to take which action? This is where Dreamdata comes in. It helps you by giving you the right advice, based on actual data. This week we have an interview with the CTO at Dreamdata.io, Ole Dallerup. He’s the co-founder and formerly worked as one of the first employees at Trustpilot. Ole shares how he and the team built the tool out of necessity; they needed data-driven decision making and more insights on their attribution, mainly in B2B. Also Ole explains which tools Dreamdata uses for their own martech stack. One of the key tools is the Customer Data Platform (CDP) Segment.com. LinkedIn Ole Dallerup:https://www.linkedin.com/in/dallerup/ Website Dreamdata: https://dreamdata.io/ If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, contact Elias Crum at e.crum@marketingguys.nl