Successful B2B lead generation with webinars16 June 2020SUCCESSFUL B2B LEAD GENERATION USING WEBINARS Webinars. Since COVID-19 webinars are the alternative for organizing live events. We were able…Read more
Best B2B Sales Tools11 June 2020Best B2B Sales Tools In the majority of B2B organizations, the marketing department generates marketing qualified leads through inbound marketing…Read more
Engage with candidates using marketing technology – Interview Jelmer Koppelmans and Jelmer Zuidema, Roadtrip4 May 2020Podcast: Engage with your candidates, using marketing technology – Jelmer Koppelmans & Jelmer Zuidema, Roadtrip In this episode, Elias has…Read more
Why data-driven marketing is important and what opportunities there are27 March 2020Why data-driven marketing is important and what opportunities there are What can the world suddenly look different. The pandemic we…Read more
How to schedule sales video meetings automatically in 3 steps26 March 2020How to schedule sales video meetings automatically in 3 steps When you’re a B2B business with your sales team working…Read more
True data driven decision making – Interview Ole Dallerup – Dreamdata.io2 March 2020Online marketing channels generate tons of data. As a marketer, you’re responsible for interpreting that data and start acting when…Read more
Target new customers using LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms and Marketo Engage2 March 2020Marketo Engage, part of Adobe Experience Cloud, is a solution for lead management and B2B marketers looking to transform customer…Read more
Marketing and Sales process [infographic]2 March 2020Marketing and Sales process [infographic] Without a proper process, your marketing and sales won’t fly. That’s why marketing & sales…Read more
Sales & marketing alignment in practice – Elias Crum & Mark van Horik2 March 2020In this episode, Elias and Mark discuss a hot topic: sales & marketing alignment. Many marketers and sales professionals talk…Read more