Club Martech

The latest in Marketing Technology!

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As a result, we read tons of info, listen to podcasts, read marketing and sales books and visit industry events. We would like to share this with you as a MarTech Community: Club MarTech.

Teaching Martech to the CMO’s Team — Essential Skills 2023

Article, Club Martech
A steady stream of marketing technology (martech) platforms are threatening to overwhelm chief marketing officers (CMOs) and their teams, who are already dealing with legacy systems. This means marketing leaders must focus on how to best prepare their colleagues with the skills to get a handle on martech now and as organizations further develop digital transformation plans. Read the full Article
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How to personalize your website and realize 30% increase in conversions- Eric Melchor of Optimonk

Club Martech, Podcast, Podcasts
** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at ** Did you know that personalized websites, and especially shops, see an increase of 30-40% in conversions? In this episode, Elias has a chat with Eric Melchor, personalization ambassador at Optimonk. He’s also the host of the ‘Innovators can Laugh‘ podcast. Topics we discuss: How to personalize a website and experience Personalization misconceptions Examples of how to, and how NOT to personalize Results of personalized…
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The Growth Report 2022

Article, Club Martech
Research shows that the current marketeer is rethinking their martech stack and strategy. Research from CDP vendor Segment found that 63% of the marketers expect their martech budget will decrease the coming year. And more than 80% are thinking about simplifying their martech stack, one of the reasons is the amount of time spent on ineffective tools. But not only on the techside but also on the strategy side change prevail: Tech marketers reported shifting…
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