Club Martech

The latest in Marketing Technology!

Are you interested in marketing technology, demand- and lead gen? Join to receive a bi-weekly industry update. We’re MarTech enthusiasts; we want to know everything about the technology and strategy needed to run successful marketing campaigns.

As a result, we read tons of info, listen to podcasts, read marketing and sales books and visit industry events. We would like to share this with you as a MarTech Community: Club MarTech.

The MarTech Conference®: Online September 28-29, 2022

Club Martech, Event
The MarTech Conference: Online 28.9 – 29.9 2022 As B2B and B2C customers continue to engage in digital environments, their expectations of seamless, efficient, and memorable purchasing experiences continue to rise. Join this event online at MarTech, September 28-29, for FREE to easily and efficiently discover dozens of tools and tactics that will empower you. Go to the Eventpage
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Video marketing playbook: Squeezing the most from your video content

Article, Club Martech
If you want to get your customer’s attention and tell your brand stories, your content needs to include video and a lot of it. Since the dawn of cinema in 1895, video has drawn eyeballs to screens like no other medium. Fast forward to 2022 and online videos have been predicted to make up 82% of all consumer traffic. In this Clickz article you get a playbook for planning video content Read the full article
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Video marketing trends 2022

Club Martech, Video
This is not a recent video. But the items discussed in this video are very relevant if you are thinking to use video in your marketing. Discussed topics are: Ad transparency Silent videos + captions TikTok & the endless loop Raw video + BTS content Video SEO and more Watch the video
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Interview with Dharmesh Shah (Founder & CTO of HubSpot)

Club Martech, Video
Most people know HubSpot or even use it (must be as it being the biggest in marketshare in marketing automation and upcoming in CRM) Very rare interview with Dharmesh Shan, the founder and CTO of HubSpot. A video interview about founding HubSpot, startups, investing and much more. Get a feeling. Watch the video
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