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Let your webinar be the ultimate lead generation machine

Organizing events during COVID-19 times can be difficult. Luckily, there are plenty of online options available to share your knowledge and generate leads. A widely used option at the moment is hosting webinars. But how do you ensure that this is not a one-off marketing activity?

Download the recording and learn how to get the maximum ROI from your webinars leads.

What are we going to share?

  • The goals you can achieve with a webinar.
  • How to use the webinar for lead qualification.
  • How you can align your goals with your sales department (1+1=3).
  • 7 steps for organizing a successful webinar.
  • How to successfully integrated your webinar with your Marketing Automation, so you can achieve success weeks after the webinar.

After this you’ll know the 5 most important steps to really achieve your goals and those of both the marketing and sales department. Everything in order to get the maximum ROI from your webinars.