The Art of Pricing in Marketing – Interview with Dan Balcauski

The Art of Pricing in Marketing – Interview with Dan Balcauski




Are you struggling with setting the right prices for your IT or SaaS products? Then this episode of the Marketing Technology Podcast is perfect for you! Elias Crum interviews Dan Balcauski, the Founder of Product Tranquility, who shares his insights on pricing as a powerful marketing instrument.
Dan explains the services model (SVCS), a comprehensive pricing framework that helps marketers set the right prices for their products. He also delves into the factors that influence pricing, including inflation and price elasticity.
The episode also touches on the Porter 5 forces model, which Dan believes can be applied to pricing strategies as well. Whether you’re a marketer or an entrepreneur, you won’t want to miss this enlightening conversation on pricing and its impact on marketing success. Tune in to the Marketing Technology Podcast now!
The Marketing Technology Podcast is brought to you by Marketing Guys, the #1 Martech agency in Europe.
If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at or contact Elias Crum at