Welcome to this episode of our Marketing Guys podcast, where Elias Crum is joined by Claudia Pas, both passionate about shaking up the industry with what they call ‘Meaningful Commerce’. Today’s hot topic is about reshaping the approach to sales, pivoting from aggressive tactics to an ethos that embraces treating customers as we ourselves would want to be treated.
We live in an era where reports from respected authorities such as Forrester, Gartner, and McKinsey indicate that buying patterns, especially those of Millennials and Gen Z, are reshaping the way business is done. The old rules no longer apply and a more sincere approach is demanded – this is where the idea of Meaningful Commerce comes into play.
Meaningful Commerce harkens back to the fundamentals of marketing and sales, with the customer at the heart of it all. It seeks to deliver authentic value to stakeholders, balance and alignment, and build sustainable relationships built on respect.
But let’s also consider the workforce that drives these interactions – the employees. With a worrying statistic showing that one in five people feel their job is more or less pointless, it’s crucial we also look at empowering our employees by adding a sense of purpose to their roles. Claudia and Elias stress on the need to bring back the feeling of worth and inspire them with meaningful work.
When organizations embrace this movement of doing good for all stakeholders, not only do they uplift their team members, but they also see a positive ripple effect on the local communities, on their financial benefits, and on their reputation. Simultaneously, it acts as a magnet for attracting new talent and delivering honest value to customers.
We invite you to explore this exciting topic further with the Meaningful Commerce Masterclass happening online, where this idea will be expanded on a strategic, tactical, and operational level, thus enabling you to inject more meaning into your work. A perfect session for sales & marketing executives, business developers, and people in leadership roles.
But that’s not all. Today’s episode also offers an opportunity for you to dive deeper into this philosophy with our Meaningful Commerce Framework. A helpful guide designed to help you explore and navigate this approach to commerce. Download the framework today to get a taste of what’s in store, link below this post.
Tune into this enlightening conversation as Elias and Claudia delve deep into transforming sales to become more customer-friendly, appealing, and effective, enhancing not only your business’s bottom line but also enriching the lives of all stakeholders involved.
And don’t forget to secure your seat for the Meaningful Commerce Masterclass, which is the ultimate guide for implementing Meaningful Commerce into your organization, turning traditional business on its head for the better.
This approach is a revolution not only in how business is conducted but also in the personal lives of those affected by commerce, creating meaningful relationships and a purposeful work environment. See you at the Masterclass!
Free masterclass: https://marketingguys.com/meaningful-commerce-masterclass/
Meaningful Commerce Framework (free download): https://marketing.marketingguys.nl/acton/attachment/7349/f-d1296dc7-bbf3-4fe2-b867-42edc98c67c0/1/-/-/-/-/Meaningful%20Commerce%20Framework.pdf
Claudia Pas LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/claudia-pas-775b125b/